Laine Journey

A photography personal blog

Iztaccihuatl - Popocatepetl National Park

26 December 2021


I went to the Iztaccihuatl - Popocatepetl National Park after Christmas day. So, I was expecting to see some snow covering the volcanos; however, they look so different than I thought. There was no snow in the peaks, and the volcanos’ forest looked dry. I was told that these are some effects of climate change over the past years. I recall watching the volcanos covered with snow when I was a child, and now that landscape is gone.

However, this experience was amazing. Mexico City is my hometown, and I could look at the Popocatepetl active volcano so close that I even saw smoke coming out from the volcano.

Here are some pictures from my hike:

Active volcanos

The first image is the Popocatepetl volcano, and the second is Iztaccihuatl, the second and the third highest mountains in Mexico, respectively.